Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My First Nightshots...and some extra stuff

These are my first printable night it just finished raining and i just couldnt pass up the chance of having a fresh shiny wet so i went photo hunting...i also took a few exposures from a boat this weekend and i included some shots of some industrial warehouses and such... so for those of you that follow my work... feel free to critique =)

Ive been itching to get this shot for the longest time

Fantasy Motel

These two exposures above and below are a "retake"
of one of my early photos.... i think it more dramatic
now that ive gotten the hang of putting myself and my ideas into
my exposures

Black Snowflake

Me and my partner in crime having fun with the camera

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

more everglades and beach pictures

thank you to everyone that allowed me to capture them on film

sunset in the everglades

this is my first shots of the sunset over the everglades. i shot this with fuji 35mm film iso 200 film... its a high iso for outdoors... this week i took some more from a different location in the everglades and from the beach... im going to expose them today and see what exactly came out.. for the beach scenes i used kodak iso 100... so lets see if the color comes out richer